2,600 More Military Medics Dispatched to Assist Coronavirus-

The armed forces have dispatched healthcare professionals in three batches, totaling 4,000, to support Wuhan in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.
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Members of a military medical team pose for a photo in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, January 30, 2020. [Xinhua/Chen Chen]


The armed forces have dispatched healthcare professionals in three batches, totaling 4,000, to support Wuhan in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.

BEIJING, February 13 (Xinhua) — Approved by Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping, 2,600 additional medical personnel from the armed forces will be tasked with treating patients in two hospitals in Wuhan, capital city of Hubei Province and the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

They will follow the operation model of Huoshenshan Hospital and be tasked with treating confirmed patients of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in Taikang Tongji Hospital and a branch of Hubei's Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital.

The two hospitals, with a planned capacity of 860 and 700 beds respectively, have clinical wards, as well as departments for infection control, examination, special diagnosis, radiation diagnosis, medical equipment, sterile supply, information and medical engineering.

The reinforcement medics come from healthcare institutions affiliated with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Rocket Force, Strategic Support Force and Joint Logistic Support Force, as well as the Chinese People's Armed Police Force.

Of them, a first group of 1,400 medical and nursing professionals are set to arrive in Wuhan Thursday before starting treating patients there immediately.

So far, the armed forces have dispatched healthcare professionals in three batches, totaling 4,000, to support Wuhan in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.


(Source: Xinhua)

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